Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lake Champlain Paddlers' Trail Guidebook

Annual Lake Champlain Paddlers' Trail Guidebook 

The Lake Champlain Committee (LCC) publishes an annual guidebook to help explore the Lake Champlain Paddlers’ Trail (LCPT) safely. The guidebook is not for sale though– it’s offered as a membership benefit of the LCC.  Produced annually, it's made available every spring to donors of $45 or more.  Membership dues help to fund LCC's advocacy for clean water and the development, stewardship and educational work to maintain the Trail locations.  Without membership support, the Trail system would not exist. 

The guidebook highlights Trail locations and contains important information to help use and enjoy the lake safely.  Every year guidelines change and Trail locations are added or removed, so it’s important to keep your membership current and have the most recent guidebook edition when you paddle on the Trail.

The Guidebook includes:

  • site descriptions and chart excerpts;
  • day trip descriptions;
  • launch site location maps;
  • guidelines for low-impact camping;
  • tips for planning a safe paddling trip;
  • contact info and emergency phone numbers;
  • an equipment check list;
  • and information on natural history, current lake issues, and how to get involved in lake protection.

A sample page from the
Lake Champlain Paddlers' Trail Guidebook
& Stewardship Manual.
Join LCC or renew your membership today to receive the current guidebook.

The Guidebook provides charts with detailed site descriptions to help you plan a safe and fun trip.

More about Lake Champlain

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